Searching for the D'Arque, Part II

Once in their remote corner, away from unfriendly ears, Jon turned to the mage and said "You know what I do for a living, yes?  Outside of the cheese, which is a cover for the real work?"

"I have a really good idea, yes.  You spy  on things for the Alliance, specifically for Theramore and Lady Proudmoore, without being part of SI:7"

"More or less... once upon a time, I killed the entire crew of a Horde privateer that was under orders to raid in Westfall and the Elwynn Forest.  Three days after they left Durotar, the entire crew died from poison," admitted Chess.

"So?  They deserved it," answered D'Arque.

"To poison the crew, I had to poison their provisions - ale and beer casks, that they had stockpiled in a village with their families, and other civilians," Jon averted his eyes, ashamed at what he said next. "The poison was the kind that built up slowly, like arsenic.  I did not know which casks would be loaded on the ship... so I poisoned them all.  When the crew died slowly, in agony, so did the entire village. Spouses, children, innocent civilians, craftsmen... they all died slowly, in great pain. But the Alliance ordered it done, so I was given the assignment."

Melissa remained quiet for a moment, and eventually, Jon broke the silence.

"Hundreds of Alliance lives were saved because the privateers never made it to Westfall. The cost was several hundred innocent Horde civilians. I made a choice and killed them.  I would make the same choice today.  I kill to save lives, so do not think for a minute I do not understand your regret," said Jon. "But the reality is that what matters more is what happens next, the choices do you choose to make now; if you don't like what you have done in the past, do something to balance it.  <Phoenix Ascendant> will help you to do that - Help them, save people. Step forward and do the hard work."

The mage let out a sharp huff, "Why do you think I am here Jon? I want to make up for the wrong I have done, as much as the Light will allow me. You were right about me not being a 'people person' though. I generally dislike most people I meet,"

Jon chuckled. "I know.  You've made it perfectly clear what you think of me, for example."

"-Because I like you, Jon.  If I didn't like you, I wouldn't be so vocal about your more... agitating quirks."

Jon stepped forward and pushed her against the wall suddenly, Mel offering little resistance, clearly startled. “Agitating quirks? If we’re counting and competing, you would win by a landslide.”

His arms on either side of her, Jon pinned her to the stone and kissed her roughly, with a barely concealed passion. Her gasp of surprise was muffled by his rough lips on hers, but she didn’t reciprocate his passion.

Pulling himself away, his embarrassment was evident up to his ears.

“Melissa I-“

Jon was now the one grabbed, Mel forcing herself against his body with her lips consuming his while a slender leg slid up and behind his own.

“I didn’t say you could stop, Jon...”

((Continued in explicit detail on Literotica  - Link forthcoming once it has been approved by their side editors.))
