The Argent Dawn

The fellow named Jon Chess knelt before Lord Ravenholdt. He had just bathed after a bone-bruising workout under the watchful eye of Master Kang when a messenger had delivered the summons from the head of the League of Assassins.

Jon had been surrounded by three opponents in the sparring circle, each one quite adept with two weapon style of combat.  One of the opponents had used two maces with flanged mace-heads, another a pair of axes, and the third two swords... Jon had to fight them with two daggers.  Jon's opponents were mid-level students, still learning the most important thing about fighting someone like Jon.

Jon cheated.

The three had come at Jon from different facings, and each had acted according to their weapons of choice. Two-Swords had led the attack sliding forward like greased lightning, her swords weaving an almost artistic dancing pattern as she closed. A heartbeat behind her, Two-Axe had started a brutal overhand assault, and Two-Mace was watchful, holding his attack to see in what direction Chess moved.

And so Jon spun, hooking the beard of the descending axes with the forte of his dagger blades, and used the leverage of his spin to redirect the axes and trip the hapless fellow holding them directly in the path of Two-Sword.  While they were entangled Jon leaped forward to Two-Mace, and threw a cloud of ground hot pepper, black pepper, and ground crystalized tiger urine into his face.  Two-Mace choked on the mixture as he wavered, blinded by the stinging mix as Jon reversed one dagger, and lightly tapped him on the throat - a clean kill shot.

Two-Axe had gotten to his feet while Two-Sword had followed on Jon's heels.  Jon continued his spin and shouted "GRENADE" as he flung a money-pouch at the wielder of the two swords.  The swords came up and sliced the bag open, spilling silver coins - and while Two-Sword was watching the coins fly everywhere, a padded throwing knife hit the face-grill of her protective armor.

"Out" declared Master Kang, acting as adjudicator. 

One left, and an angry fellow at that.  Two-Axe did not appreciate having been made to look like an impetuous fool, and his face was red with rage.  He came straight-on like a bull, rushing at Jon with short, chopping strokes, being careful of any further agile tricks Jon might have up his sleeve.

What Two-Axes had not counted on was the fact that while Jon was swift and agile, and perhaps thought himself a little more tricky than he actually was, he had ignored the obvious.  Jon was not a slim stiletto - instead, he was a thick-bodied peasant with the build of a plowman or a warrior of the shield-wall than a subtle knife-fighter. While the axeman expected a dance of speed and subtlety, Jon crouched low and charged the fellow when the first axe had passed and caught the second on his crossed daggers, using his leverage and sheer physical presence to knock the fellow onto his back.  Chess stomped hard on the hands holding the axes, and knelt to hold is knife-thrusts against the axe-man's torso.

"Good" murmured Master Kang, his voice not meant to carry, but Jon had hearing that made cats seem deaf and grinned. 

"Good, Master Kang?" asked the Agent of Cheese, with just a twinge of insolence.

"Bah!  For a Human, good indeed!" explained Master Kang, his face turning a darker shade of green at having been caught out.  "For an Orc, I would judge it as 'Marginally Adequate'..."

Jon was still smiling when the messenger found him.

Dressed in a motley assemblage of leather armor taken from myriad sources, Jon reported immediately to Lord Ravenhold, who greeted him with a pleased smile.

"Jon Chess, your time among us here at Ravenholdt is drawing to a close," began the Master of the League of Assassins.  "Master Kang has pronounced you 'marginally adequate. Master Thunderwood has declared that you have mastered the art of concocting alchemical lethality.  Myrokos has declared that he has nothing else he is willing to teach you, as you persist in what he calls 'a futile dedication to the Light'."

Chess grinned. His continued devotion to the Light, all the while learning to use and manipulate Shadow magic, had led to many loud 'discussions' with Master Myrokos Silentform, all of which had led the instructor to declare that Jon would never be capable of more than 'tricks' to conceal himself in the Shadows.

"Before I release you into the service of Theramore, however, I have one more assignment... think of it as post-graduate work?" said Lord Ravenholdt. "Theramore is a noble experiment in co-existence between the Alliance and the Horde, one which I will expect will not succeed.  Jaina and Thrall are both willing to try to get along, but leaders are not the people they lead.  Leaders change.  Leaders are disobeyed by their underlings."

Jon nodded.  He thought that Jaina's theories were excellent - as theories.  Jon's life had, however, given him what he believed was a more reasonable expectation of the underlying reality. 

"I have written to Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, who is the head of a group called the Argent Dawn. The Argent Dawn's cause is simple - fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth. They insist they are not a political body, nor do they ever wish to become one.  To that end, they are composed of not only members of the Alliance, but also of the Horde... including some Forsaken. They operate mostly in the Plaguelands of Lordaeron.  I have arranged for a commission for you in their ranks as a reconnaissance scout; think of it as an opportunity to study the Horde up-close without it being an adversarial situation. Lord Tyrosus is a good man, and the Argent Dawn desperately needs the help."

Jon nodded his acceptance; while the Horde were the enemies of the Alliance, the Scourge, like the Burning Legion, threatened all live on Azeroth.

"How long you serve I will leave up to you... Lord Tyrosus is aware of the nature of your...detached status.  When you are done, Theramore awaits."  Lord Ravenholdt shook Jon's hand.  "Master Chess, you will never be a great thief or assassin... but you have been diligent and relentless.  Also, you have something that will serve Lady Jaina better, in the long run - you have a good heart and a sharp wit.  I am proud to send you to Lady Jaina, and I am sure you will not fail your training."

Jon left Ravenholdt that very afternoon for the Plaguelands. 
