Melissa D'Arque

((Co-written with the player of Melissa D'Arque, with gratitude))

The fellow named Jon Chess was tired, sore, and wet.  After discussing the problem which had beset his friend Arcangela Irish and her associate Aalondra Aerynn, he had left the Cathedral at a run, determined to find the new member of the Blackbird Ring, the ex-Syndicate mage Melissa D'Arque.

Jon had met her as part of his ongoing assault on the Syndicate.  The Syndicate was, in Jon's opinion, jumped up peasants and nobles who knew nothing of subtlety nor skill, relying on crude violence.  Recently, the Syndicate had formed an alliance with the Argus Wake, Warlocks who serve the Shadow Council and the Burning Legion, and Melissa had been given a choice - either join the Argus Wake, or die, and when Jon had cut a wide swath through the Syndicate thugs at the watchtower to which she had been assigned, she had jumped at the chance to escape with him to Stormwind and the Blackbird Ring. 

While with the Syndicate, Melissa had studied the particular aspects of arcane forensics, with an eye towards masking evidence of the Syndicate's operations; she was adept at removing or corrupting evidence from a crime scene, or hiding the Syndicate from even the best locator charms.  It has occurred to Jon when Arcangela described her need to find Tekyara, that Melissa could if given the right materials - and the right motivation - be able to cast an effective locator charm.  He had left the warmth of the Cathedral, and pausing only to grab a compass with a mithril needle suitable for enchanting, he had begun searching Old Town for her.

He had discovered her having a meal at the Pig and Whistle Tavern, which, while not the best fare, had the benefit of being near the Hidey Hole, the Blackbird Ring's communal living space.  While Jon did not live there, he had used his assigned space to set up a poison distillery for his compatriots, and that had been the first place he had checked, but to no avail. He had then begun a search of the most likely places a mage might be - the Enchanting shop, the Blue Recluse tavern, he had even checked the Slaughtered Lamb. Finally, he had found her, sitting at Jon's usual table under the stairs.

He approached the table, plastering a smile he did not feel - he was wet, cold, and more than a little grouchy by then - and said "Hello, Melissa.  May I join you?"

But if course Jon. Please, sit, and I’ll order something warm, or I can just dry your clothes for you if you prefer.” With a coy smile void of any enthusiasm, Melissa rose from her chair and offered it to him. As part of the bargain struck, she had removed all traces of former allegiances from her person. Somewhere within Stormwind was a fireplace in the home of Sara Law, a tailor friendly to Jon, who's hungry flames had long since devoured robes, insignias, and even the wooden staff D’Arque once wielded. Once a week, Melissa was responsible for making an appearance at Law’s home for “alterations”- cover for the trading of insider information to Law, who was in league with S:I7, as yet another part of the deal struck between her and Jon. Mel was allowed to keep her orange mask, however, though it had to be converted into a handkerchief with ornate roses and birds native to Alterac embroidered into the fabric. Melissa had her wardrobe upgraded as well. Gone were the dingy, dirt soil robes and it was the sleek, finely tailored black Mageweave bodysuit, with interchangeable thick warm woolen pants and lighter, breathable leggings (that were more like stockings in Jon’s opinion), depending on the climate. These were both dyed in black and embellished with silver thread. Given the weather Jon had just slogged through, it was no surprise she was wearing the pants.

“You seem absolutely delighted to be miserable today. What have I done to earn such a pleasure??”

"I need a locator charm put on this compass," Jon said, putting the compass with the mithril needle on the table.  "I have this sketch for the Law of Similarity..."  The Law of Similarity stated that one could influence something based on its relationship or resemblance to another thing; many workers of magic used the Law of Similarity to invoke a specific effect, the classic example being that a Troll voodoo doll, made to resemble the victim, can influence the victim.

"...and hair from the person we need to find for the Law of Connectivity."  The Law of Connectivity stated that once two things were connected, they were always connected. Hence the same Troll voodoo doll, when made with finger name parings, hair, or bodily fluids like blood or semen, would make the connection much more powerful. "And I need it done fast... lives depend on it."

“I know the laws you speak of,” She waved her hand dismissively, ”You eat, and I will see what can be done for your charm.” Pushing the plate that had just been delivered when Jon had entered in front of him, Melissa sat down across from him, compass in palm, and got to work.

Jon looked down at the plate of... unrecognizable mystery meat in a congealed melange of gravy and minced vegetables. "Somehow, I don't have much of an appetite," he said.  He pondered if grating some cheese might... but no, not worth wasting perfectly good cheese over the top of that ostensibly-tasty meal.

"Fine, just don't complain to Ms.Law when you end up ill." Mel clicked her tongue, making a connection with the arcane as her hands were enveloped with the power of the arcane.

"You get this done and we'll call it even for me getting you out and back to Stormwind. You can start charging that idiot Shaw for your information..." promised Chess.  "Just... don't ever mention to Aubey that you have a connection to SI:7... I am not sure how he'd react.  he makes me look open-minded and trusting." Jon grinned.  "Just never lie!"

"Me? Lie? Never have I ever lied Jon. I am always brutally truthful." She rolled her eyes, keeping her voice to a reasonable, but low, level. "I would hardly consider my alteration visits as a connection. It's just business, nothing more."

"If you say so, Miss D'Arque... how long will it take for you to do... whatever it is you do?" asked Chess, trying not to fidget.

Another click of the tongue. "It will be done when it is done..." She passed the sketch back to Jon. "Hold this up so I can see better." Jon did as he was told - for a change - with nary a sarcastic look nor snide comment.  Clearly, this was an emergency.

Melissa, for her part, worked diligently, weaving the spell-like cloth on a loom, with all the curses and groans of frustration that comes with learning a new pattern. Several minutes were filled with local curses and swears that would have made a sailor blush, some of which Jon had heard for the first time. At several points, she'd stop and take a drink of whatever was handy, but eventually, it was done. The mithril compass hummed gently in her palm, and the needle confidently pointed in the cardinal direction of the hairs' own.

"There...All done. Just don't go breaking it and it will do what you need it to do."

Jon took the compass gingerly from the mage, and tucked it into his belt pouch. "Thank you, Miss D'Arque.  I owe you a favor!"  He headed for the door, making haste, then paused.  "And a decent dinner!"  Chess disappeared into the cold rain of the streets.
