Meeting with Trias

I got a note from Elling Trias, asking me to come to the shop at my earliest convenience.  I wonder if he has found out about my using the cheese deliveries as a cover for moving other goods for the Blackbird Ring?

So I went, expecting to get an earful, and perhaps be fired.  Ben was alone on the shop floor, but sent me up the stairs to Trias’ office.

Elling Trias
Master of Cheese
“Good to see you, Jon.  I trust you are not having any problems with the route?” asked Elling Trias, with a smile.

“No sir… I know what parts of the road to avoid, now.”  I didn’t remind him that I had learned those parts the hard way.

“Excellent, excellent… but I have a different assignment for you.  Sit down,” he said. “I have not been entirely truthful with you, Jon… I sought you out because I had a special request.  Before I retired, I was the Master of Spies for Stormwind before Shaw took over… and while there, I had made friends with the Lady Jaina Proudmoore.”

He looked me in the eye. “You know that after Dalaran's destruction by the Scourge, Jaina took as many survivors of Lordaeron she could find and sailed west to the forgotten shores of Kalimdor.  After the Burning Legion was defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, all surviving humans, dwarves and high elves of Jaina's expedition found their new home along the coast of Dustwallow Marsh, on Theramore Isle. Jaina rules the city, and has made a request… she needs an intelligence service, Jon. She didn’t feel she could ask Kul Tiras nor Stormwind for help with this - she wants Theramore to stand on its own.  So she came to me for help… and I hired you.  The next step is to send you to Ravenholdt for training I cannot give you.”

Jaina's Tower


“Yes, Jon.  Lord Jorach Ravenhodt operates a guild of thieves and assassins, which welcomes only those of extraordinary prowess. He is an old comrade of mine, and has agreed to see you trained… for a price.  He would not specify what that price was to be, but it wasn’t money.”

Trias opened his desk drawer and set a fat wallet on the table.  “I will send a large shipment to Southshore, and send you along with it.  From there, you will travel to Ravenholdt, which is a little north of the ruins of the Durnholde Keep prison.  Present this seal, “Elling Trias dropped a note sealed with the coat of arms of Ravenholdt on the wallet. “This will get you past the guards.”

Trias sighed.  “I know that you didn’t want to work for SI:7 and Mathias Shaw… but will you work for me, as my eyes and ears… and knife, if need be… for Lady Jaina?  You will remain employed by me as my agent factor in Theramore, mostly as a cover - not that I wouldn’t fulfill any cheese contracts you send my way, and pay you a sales commission… business is business, after all…”

I gave it some serious thought.  Ravenholdt!  They were said to be the best of the best, and Trias had arranged for Jon to train with them! He would learn things that would doubtless keep him alive, and make him more valuable to both Trias and the Blackbird Ring. 

I accepted the offer, needless to say. I'd have been a fool not to!
